ON 4th JUNE 2024 AT 10H00


  1. The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Ms. Michelle Hayes

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

Mr. Paul Strutt

Ms. Adéle du Plessis

Mr. Willem Zietsman

Mr. Ron Mackenzie
Ms. Helen Mackenzie                 Secretary

  1. Apologies.

Ms. Tracey Bull

Ms. Alta Kotze

  1. Absent without Apology.



  1. Beach road opposite the Caravan Park.
  2. Early Warning System Research.
  3. Access to beaches and public areas.
  4. Maintenance of the Cannons.
  5. Cannon Rocks East Parking Area.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 7th May 2024 proposed by Michelle Hayes and seconded by Ms. Helen Mackenzie. Minutes to be made available on the Website and distributed to members.


  1. Ndlambe Coastal Maintenance Management Plan (MMP). Nothing to report.
  2. Ndlambe Ratepayers Association (NRF). The Chairperson attended a Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF) meeting with Municipal Finance Officials on 22nd May 2024.  During the meeting, the following enquiries were discussed pertaining to the 2024/2025 draft Municipal Budget.
    • Liquidity Ratios. The issue of Ndlambe Municipality’s liquid cash, which cannot cover its salaries, service providers, interest, etc., was explained and accepted.  An error was discovered and is currently in the process of being rectified.
    • Catering. The excessive amount of food and beverages funded by the ratepayers was discussed.
    • Total Debt. In terms of the Masakhane Report, a large amount of debt collection is outstanding.  Clarity on debt collection was discussed.
    • Wage Bill. The sizable percentage of the total cost to Ndlambe Municipality for wages, allowances, consultants, pensions, medical aid, overtime, and casual labour, etc., was questioned.
    • Cash Donations. Cash donations increased by 41% compared to 2023 and need to be investigated.  The question of whether Ndlambe Municipality is primarily a social service or a business entity has been raised.  Funding for listed activities should be obtained from the National Department of Social Services and not at the expense of ratepayers.  Ratepayers’ contributions should be directed towards repairing infrastructure, rather than being used for non-essential items.
    • Consultants. The large increase for consultants was referred back for possible revision.
    • Bonuses and Allowances. The increase of bonuses and allowances was questioned by the NRF.
    • Tariff Increases. Questions were raised regarding whether the proposed concept budget includes tariff increases for the maintenance of electrical infrastructure, as suggested by the consultant.
    • Pensioners Rebate. The NRF welcomes the increased allowances for pensioners but feels that the value of residential property at R3.0 million is too high, especially considering the relatively low owner income.  It has been proposed that a more equitable value of R2.5 million for residential property be considered, along with an increase of R3,000.00 across the three categories as proposed.
    • Decision. Noted for information.
  3. Donations for Charity. CRRA takes pride in its initiatives and is eager to support a variety of charitable causes.  However, the CRRA committee require that recipient charities hold official registration and maintain a dedicated bank account.  It is essential to note that the CRRA committee does not disburse donation funds into personal bank accounts for distribution purposes.
    • Decision. It was agreed that Child Welfare in Kenton would receive the money received from the Church Service on 25 December 2023.


  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • Maintenance of Street Lights.
      • A letter dated 15 May 2024 was forwarded to the Ndlambe Municipality reporting defective streetlights in Cannon Rocks.
      • Defective streetlights were addressed and some were repaired or replaced during March 2024.
      • Decision. The Chairperson is to draft and send a follow-up letter to the Ndlambe Municipality regarding the streetlights that are still outstanding and need attention.
    • Community Hall.
      • Nothing to report at this point.
  1. Fire Fighting and Precaution.
    • A letter dated 19 May 2024 was forwarded to SANParks requesting that the fire break on the border between Addo National Park and the Cannon Rocks residential area be cleared.


  • The operational readiness of the municipal Firestation at Boesmansriviermond has been confirmed. One of the larger fire trucks has been repaired and is now operational again.  Additionally, there is a smaller fire vehicle available for combating bush fires.
    • Decision. Noted for information.
  1. Communication and Community Support.
    • Feedback Received. A married couple who moved to Cannon Rocks recently expressed their appreciation for the high quality and regular feedback provided by the CRRA committee to its members.
      • Decision. Noted with appreciation.
    • Website. The Portfolio Holder encouraged all members to visit the website and familiarise themselves with what is happening in the village, urging them to stay up-to-date with village information and events.
  2. Security and Safety.
    • Private Security Cameras. A draft document pertaining to the procurement, erection, replacement and maintenance of security cameras in Cannon Rocks was tabled for discussion.
      • Decision. The draft document regarding the procurement, erection, replacement, and maintenance of security cameras in Cannon Rocks was approved and will be filed for future reference.
    • The Portfolio Holder reported that two private security cameras were purchased and installed by community members. The cameras were positioned at the four-way stop at the entrance to Cannon Rocks, next to the license plate recognition (LPR) camera.
      • Decision. Noted for information.
    • Transgression of By-Laws. Unfortunately, the dogs at 6 Patricia Street (erf 31) continue to be an ongoing problem, despite several warnings and notifications received.
      • Decision. The Chairperson to write a formal complaint to Ndlambe Municipality regarding the roaming dogs.
  1. Ward 1 Liaison. Nothing to report.
  2. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
    • Environmental Notice Boards. The environmental notice board located in Alice Road near the Caravan Park has been replaced with two notice boards that offer better visibility to the public.  The previous notice board from Alice Road has been placed in Potgieter Street.  With the existing environmental notice board at the entrance to Cannon Rocks on Dawn Street continuing to be useful and informative.
    • Decision.
      • The replacement of environmental notice boards in Alice Road and Potgieter Street were noted with approval.
      • The Chairperson sent a letter to Mr. Nicolaas Ferreria to thank him for the contribution of supplies and bolts.
    • Recycling. Recycling collection on Monday, 3rd June was disrupted by an ongoing power outage.  Despite this setback, the recycling program in Cannon Rocks has been running smoothly and the Monday recycling truck will maintain its weekly schedule.  The community’s active involvement and appreciation for recycling initiatives have been instrumental in its success.  The Portfolio Holder will continue to oversee this initiative and ensure its progress.  Further discussions on this matter will be carried over to the next meeting to determine the way forward.
    • Dustbins. The Portfolio Holder reported that dustbin drums have been purchased and are ready for use. Additionally, there are some supporting poles available for use when needed and the drums have been purchased for the upgrade of various dustbins in the area.
      • Decision. Noted for information.
    • Fishing in Swimming Area Notice Board. The question regarding the authorisation of the installation of a notice board on the beach was once again discussed.
      • Decision. The Policy Holder will follow up regarding a formal letter of authorisation for the installation of signage at the swimming beach, requesting that fishermen refrain from fishing there.
  1. Advertising. Nothing to report.


  1. Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of May 2024 was noted with approval.
  2. Membership Fees.
    • Those members who have paid were noted and outstanding membership will be followed up.
    • 155 paid members.
  3. Revenue. The Treasurer requested to be kept updated pertaining to money coming into the account, so that she is aware of incoming monies and can allocate accordingly.
  4. Expenditure.
    • Approval of 00 for purchase of eight (8) dustbin drums. The Portfolio Holder will be refunded.


  1. Nothing to report.


  1. Correspondence Received.
    • E Mail dated 24 May 2024 from Jon Goetsch.
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Letter dated 8 May 2024 to Mr. Barry Fourie (Appreciation).
    • Letter dated 15 May 2024 to Ndlambe Municipality (Faulty Street Lights).
    • Letter dated 16 May 2024 to Ndlambe Municipality (Reporting Water Leaks).
    • Letter dated 19 May 2024-to SANParks (Fire Break SANParks).


  1. Storage of Rocks and Timber: Alice Road 152a. Enquiries were received regarding the lack of response from the owner of 152a Alice Road to a notice sent to him about the non-removal of items from the plot.
    • Decision. The Chairperson to refer the original notice sent to the owner of the property at 152a Alice Road to Ndlambe Municipality for further action.


  1. Letter: Jon Goetsch. A concept letter to Mr. Jon Goetsch to address enquiries, as received by email dated 24 May, was tabled for discussion.
    • Decision. The concept letter tabled for discussion to Mr. Goetsch was approved.
  2. Cleaning Beach Road. With the upcoming holidays and visitors to the village, a request was made to clean Beach Road, with particular focus on the entry area and clearing the bushes.
    • The Portfolio Holder for Maintenance and Infrastructure will speak to the Municipal Foreman and coordinate with his team to clear the front areas on Alice Road and subcontract the maintenance of the verges leading to the beach.
    • Subsequent to the Committee Meeting held on 4th June, the Portfolio Holder has already managed to clear Beach Road leading to the swimming beach, ensuring it is ready for holiday visitors.
  3. Early Warning Systems Research. An invitation was received to participate in a community survey on early warning systems in South Africa.  The research received ethical clearance from the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Sciences at the North-West University with ethics number NWU-01400-23-A9.
    • Decision. The Chairperson has communicated with the sender of the request and it was agreed that they would liaise with the community in their private capacity.
  4. Access to the Beaches and Aesthetics. The Portfolio Holder Communications suggested that the CRRA approach members in the village to form a group of interested parties focused on certain important areas.  Particular reference was made to general beach access and public areas, including Nautilus Beach, The Cannons, Beach Road, and The Play Park at the Community Center.
    • Decision. The Portfolio Holder for Maintenance and Infrastructure and the Communications Portfolio Holder will collaborate to coordinate these initiatives.
  5. Maintenance of Cannons. Enquiries were received about maintaining the Cannons and anchor at the western corner of Alice Road. The Chairperson also noted the owner of Roes Restaurant would appreciate removing the anchor in front of the restaurant.
    • Decision. The Portfolio Holder Environment to explore the best way to maintain the Cannons at the far end of Alice Road.  He will also follow up regarding the best way forward regarding the anchor.
  6. Cannon Rocks East Parking Area. This is carried over until the end of July.  A report has been tabled.


  1. Feedback regarding Property Valuations.
  2. New Environmental Board at the Caravan Park.
  3. The Aesthetic of surrounding areas.
  4. Membership Fees.


  1. The next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, 6th August 2024


The Chairperson closed the meeting at 12:19 pm.