1. Feedback: AGM 29 for Annual General Meetings (AGM) via Zoom application revealed that Hybrid Zoom meetings, where a large number of people are attending the meeting December 2022.
    • Zoom Meetings. A feasibility study and some join the meeting via electronic media, is only recommended if good quality and reliable signal strength, supporting electronic equipment and trained supporting staff is available.  Due to the non-availability of the abovementioned and the cancellation of Covid-19 Regulations, it was decided that Hybrid Zoom meetings will not be used for CRRA related meetings.
    • Dedicated Vehicle. Following discussions with Hi-Tec Security, a dedicated security vehicle is allocated for Cannon Rocks and Boknes and will operate from the Cannon Rocks Cabanas.
    • Activities and Relevant Legislation. To address enquiries regarding the behaviour of residents, a guiding document for property owners of property in Cannon Rocks was compiled.  The aim of the guide namely “List of Activities and Relevant Legislation” is to assist property owners to ascertain themselves with relevant legislation applicable to selective activities.  Although the document was drafted with great care, it may still include shortfalls.  The List of Activities and Relevant Legislation is available on the Website under the “News” page.
    • Broken Pipe on Beach. The Ndlambe Municipality agreed that the repair of the only underground rainwater system in Cannon Rocks, along Alice Road, as well as the outlet to the sea opposite Alice Road 41 be included in the Ndlambe Municipal, Coastal Maintenance Management Plan (MMP).
    • Communication.
      • Feedback to Members. A Cannon Rocks Information group was established to provide real-time information to CRRA members.  All paid up CRRA members were automatically subscribed in line with the POPIA act.  It is therefore requested that if a member is not interested in being a member of the group, the member may remove him/herself.  Apart from the Cannon Rocks Info group, monthly newsletters as well as the minutes of the previous month are made available to members.
      • Website. Residents are reminded of Cannon Rocks Rate Payers Association’s (CRRA) website.  The website hosts a menu of pages namely; home, cannon rocks ratepayers, gallery, accommodation, services rendered, kite surfing, news and contact us.  Both newsletters and minutes of CRRA committee meetings are available on the website.  Google search engine – Cannon Rocks, Eastern Cape, South Africa, seaside village may be used to gain access to the website.
      • Street Numbering. Property owners are once again requested to replace their existing street address with the new street address number as soon as possible to eliminate confusion as the new street addresses are captured on Google Maps and thereby replacing the addresses that reflects the erf number as the street address.