Kiteboarding in Cannon Rocks
Cannon Rocks is a prime location for Kiteboarding.
Already known back in the heyday of windsurfing as a destination, it offers a variety of riding conditions within close proximity.
The wind conditions offer cross shore predominant winds that alternate. The best kiteboarding season is from September to April, but it is possible to ride all year round.
From intermediate to advanced riders: Wave riding, Free ride, freestyle. Cannon Rocks has a spot for you.
Visit some of the spots here.
Most used kite sizes 7m, 9m. Water temperature in season; between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius
The tides change the conditions quite radically with neap tides being preferable. Spring low will expose rocks dangerously and Spring high will create more chop at the main kite spot. There are some hazards downwind depending on the direction of the wind. The old wreck on the east side and rocks on the west side.
The launching beach is relatively narrow (especially at high tide) and the scattered rocks quite abrasive.
Take care for yourself and your equipment.
Take care for yourself and your equipment.
It is not the ideal location for beginners and learners, but it can be done if no alternative is available. you can contact us for more info.
There is also the option to rent some gear and one on one coaching lessons.
Organised tours are also available.
For a number of years it hosted the Cannon Rocks kiteboarding Classic until encroaching sand dunes made it impossible to hold the event.
Courtesy of Filmstudio