Cannon Rocks Community Hall

On 1 September 2020 at 14:00


  1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present. A special word of welcome to Ms Tracey Bull.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

Ms. Adéle du Plessis

Ms. Tracey Bull

Mr. Paul Strutt

Mr. Philip du Plessis

Mr. Barry Fourie

Mr. Jim Pomroy                          Secretary

  1. Apologies. Mr. Leon Potgieter.
  2. Absent without Apology. None


  1. The minutes of the committee meeting of 4 August 2020 was approved. Proposed by Mr. Jim Pomroy and seconded by Ms. Barbara Beckmann.



  1. Steering Committee.
    • Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF). Nothing to report.
    • Outstanding Member Fees. Members  whose annual fees were not paid by the 30 August, were remoed from the membership list.
    • Cannon Rocks Assets. The chairman summarised progress regarding the assets of Cannon Rocks.
    • Committee Members. Sandy Taylor resigned as treasurer but will remain as bookkeeper.  Tracey Bull and Leon Potgieter is co-opted as committee members.  Portfolio holders were updated.
      • Chairman                                     Bert Venter
      • Vice Chairman                                     Barry Fourie
      • Secretary                                     Jim Pomroy
      • Treasurer                                     Leon Potgieter
      • Bookkeeper                                     Sandy Taylor
      • Maintenance and Infrastructure                         Bert Venter
        • Management of Community Hall Barbara Beckmann
      • Fire Fighting and Precaution Barry Fourie
      • Communication and Community Support Adéle du Plessis
      • Security and Policing Phillip du Plessis
      • Ward 1 Liason Jim Pomroy
      • Local Government and Development Bert Venter
      • Advertising Tracey Bull
      • Environment Paul Strutt
  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • Street Names and Numbers. During a Ndlambe council meeting held on 25 August 2020, the application for approval of both the street names of the new extension at Cannon Rocks and the allocation of street addresses to erven in both the new extension and the old Cannon Rocks, was approved.
    • Streetlights. All the defective streetlights that was reported, were repaired.
    • Traffic Signs. The traffic signs will be delivered soon.
    • Fire Extinguishers. A request was made to the Chief Fire Officer’s office that the fire extinguishers should be delivered to Mr. Fourie’s house.
  2. Firefighting/Precaution.
    • Fire Hydrant Key. E Mail received from Fire Chief – open/close fire hydrant keys will be issued, soon.
  3. Communication and Community Support.
    • Information Booklet. It was proposed that instead of producing a separate booklet for Cannon Rocks, that Boknesstrand should be approached with a proposal that Cannon Rocks be permitted to publish items in the booklet, which they produce every year.
    • Decision. Portfolio Holder to approach Boknesstrand Ratepayers Association to ascertain the implications of the proposal, including possible cost implications, and report back to the Committee.
    • Website Information. Further development of the webpage has been anticipated.
    • Decision.
      • The co-use of the website is approved.
      • CRRA will bear the cost (linked to the dollar/rand exchange rate) of the annual hosting and domain registration costs.
      • The following tariffs were approved.


Description Option Tariff Comment
1 Accommodation Large Advertising Space R3,000.00/y Special entry tariff – advertising will be at no cost during 2020.  However, advertising for 2021 to be paid in advance.
1.1   Medium Advertising Space R1,500.00/y Special entry tariff – advertising will be at no cost during 2020.  However, advertising for 2021 to be paid in advance.
1.2   Small Advertising Space R800.00/y Special entry tariff – advertising will be at no cost during 2020.  However, advertising for 2021 to be paid in advance.
2 Service Providers Large Advertising Space R3,000.00/y Special entry tariff – advertising will be at no cost during 2020.  However, advertising for 2021 to be paid in advance.
2.1   Medium Advertising Space R1,500.00/y Special entry tariff – advertising will be at no cost during 2020.  However, advertising for 2021 to be paid in advance.
2.2   Small Advertising Space R800.00/y Special entry tariff – advertising will be at no cost during 2020.  However, advertising for 2021 to be paid in advance.

Note:   1          Resizing or changes to the layout or content of an advertisement will be for the cost of the advertiser.

  1. Security and Safety.
    • Security Monitor. The portfolio holder reported that the security monitor can be repaired.
    • Security. The portfolio holder reported that two of the security cameras can not be restored.  The replacement of these cameras should be investigated.
      • Decision. The portfolio holder to obtain a quotation for possible replacement of the defective security cameras.
  1. Ward 1 Liaison. No Ward 1 meeting.
  2. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
  3. Environmental.
    • Co-ordination with SANParks. Still awaiting response from SANParks.  Further awaiting response for a key to access the beach in the event of an emergency.
  4. Advertising. One advertiser has withdrawn (leaving a spare board) and another two have not yet paid.  Portfolio holder to follow-up and report at next meeting.


  1. Statement of Accounts. The bank balances for August 2020 were noted.
  2. Expenditure. The following expenses were approved.
    • Annual Website fees R1,700.00
    • Mr. Pomroy – Travel to Port Alfred for advertising fees – R160.00.
    • Total – R1,860.00


  1. Correspondence Received. E Mail received from Municipal Planning Section informing the approval of the use of street numbers in Cannon Rocks.
  2. Correspondence Send.
    • Letter of Appreciation to Director Infrastructural Development.
    • Various e-mail messages regarding outstanding membership fees.
    • Letter to Telkom regarding poor signal strength in Cannon Rocks.


  1. Resignation: Treasurer. Refer to paragraph 7.4 above.


  1. Further from the meeting, the following feedback to members.
    • Street Numbering
    • Street Lights
    • Access to website


  1. The next meeting will be held on 6 October 2020 at 14h00, at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 16h15.

Confirmed true and correct on the 6th day of October 2020

CHAIRMAN                                                               SECRETARY