Cannon Rocks Community Hall

On 3 August 2021 at 10:00


  1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Ms. Adéle du Plessis

Mr. Paul Strutt

Mr. Philip du Plessis

Ms. Michelle Hayes

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

  1. Apologies.

Ms. Geraldine du Randt

Ms. Tracey Bull

Mr. Jim Pomroy

Mr. Barry Fourie

  1. Absent without Apology. None


  1. Refer to Additional Items below.


  1. The minutes of the committee meeting of 1 June 2021 were approved. Proposed by Ms. Barbarra Beckmann and seconded by Ms Adéle du Plessis.


  1. Telkom Communications. Following a letter from CRRA, feedback from the Specialist Customer Value Management at Telkom Headquarters revealed that the Cannon Rocks area was included in the Low Band (LB) Master Plan/Spectrum and it dependent on the successful bid from Telkom at the ICASA spectrum auction later during 2021.  Should the bid be successful, Telkom wireless transmission to the Cannon Rocks will improve to comply to expected standards.


  1. Community Hall. Nothing to report.
  2. Tennis Courts. Completion of the renovations of the tennis courts is subjected to weather conditions.
  3. Play Park. Nothing to report.
  4. Parking Area.
    • A consultant was appointed to assist the municipality with the process and the compilation of documents required for approval of implementation actions of the Coastal Marine Maintenance Plan (MMP) at the areas as approved in the authorisation by the Department Economic Development, Environmental Affairs & Tourism (DEDEAT) on 11 August 2020.
    • The NRF delegated the Chairperson of the Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association, Mr Venter, to represent the NRF on the Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC).
    • An Environmental Control Officer (ECO) has been appointed by Ndlambe municipality on a fixed term contract starting 1 July 2021 and will report directly to the Directorate Community Protection Services of the Ndlambe Municipality. He was given three weeks to update and familiarize himself with what is required.
    • The ECO will be responsible for all actions on behalf of and via the Municipality as required in the Environmental Authorization i.e. the Environmental Monitoring Committee, project application submissions, monitoring etc.
    • Amongst other;
      • A Screening Questionnaire (check list) to be compiled. The questionnaire serve as a mechanism to (1) list all activities applicable to applications for approval by the DEDEAT, (2) confirm the applicability and (3) compliance of actions required for each application.
      • Finalisation of a list of activities and programmes, the prioritisation and funding of each activity. All inputs and recommendations to date from Ratepayers Associations on projects will be looked at and prioritized to identify the list of projects.
      • Compile documents i.e. Method Statement for each listed project for approval by DEDEAT.
    • The ECO will submit via the municipality to DEDEAT all the necessary requirements for each project including method statements, environmental specifications and layout plans.
    • Once DEDEAT approve the application for a project physical work on the ground will commence and the ECO will oversee and report on the project.
    • Physical project work on the ground will be subject to availability of budget during the 2021/2022 and conditions set by DEDEAT


  1. Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF). Nothing to report.
  2. Maintenance and Infrastructure. Notwithstanding various correspondence to the Director Infrastructural Development, the poor state of the streets in Cannon Rocks remains a serious concern by residents.
  3. Decision. The chairman to arrange a meeting with the Director Infrastructural Development to discuss the poor condition of both the tarred as well as the gravel roads in Cannon Rocks.
  4. Fire Fighting and Precaution. The portfolio holder reported that no feedback was received regarding the firebreak between Addo and Cannon Rocks yet.  Two fire hydrants that were damaged by water tankers were repaired.  The replacement of two 30m fire hoses that were lost under the supervision of the local municipal manager, is still outstanding.
  5. Communication and Community Support.
    • Information Leaflet. The information leaflet is in process.  A final product to be presented at the September CRRA meeting
  6. Security and Safety. The portfolio holder reported that he attended various meetings with members of the local Community Police Forum (CPF) as well as the Boknes Buurtwag committee during the past three months.  Various residents of Cannon Rocks participate in the Boknes Buurtwag activities.  Although the activities of the Boknes Buurtwag are focused on Boknes, it also includes security activities in Cannon Rocks.  Therefore, more volunteers from Cannon is requested to join these security activities.
  7. Ward 1 Liaison. Nothing to report.
  8. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
  9. Environmental. The recycle initiative by CRRA was received very positively by residents.  This initiation also resulted in an improved relation between the local municipal management and the organisers of the recycling company.  The environmental information boards at the cannon needs attention.
  10. Decision. The portfolio holder to attend to the environmental information boards at the cannons and report back at the next meeting.
  11. Advertising. The annual payment of only one advertiser is still outstanding.


  1. Statement of Account. The bank balances as at the end of July 2021 were noted.
  2. Expenditure. The following expenditure were approved.
    • 00 for the purchase of four street names.
    • 00 for the purchase of plastic bags.


  1. Correspondence Received. Nothing to report.
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Feedback was forwarded to Mr. Colin Morris regarding enquiries of the sand and vegetation excavation on erf 551 and a specific clause on his Title Deed.
    • Letter to SANParks – Firebreak between Cannon Rocks and Addo National Park.
    • Letter of sympathy to the Randall family.


  1. Background Information Document: Erf 544. A Background Information Document (BID) regarding the application for the unlawful commencement of activities as provided for in the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, in terms of section 24G of the National Environmental Management Act (as amended) was received.  CRRA was registered as an Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs).
  2. Water Project. CRRA chairman will serve on the Project Steering Committee for the duration of the project.  Eskom electricity supply to four metering kiosks is completed.  Authority is waiting from Eskom for electrical connection between the metering kiosk to the various boreholes.  The new RO plant is ready for transportation and installation once the construction of the building is completed.  It is estimated that the both the construction of the building and the installation of the new RO plant to be finalised within the next two to three months.


  1. Background Information Document – Erf 544.
  2. Water Project.
  3. Tennis Courts.
    • Ken and Jean Schafer lost their son, Grant.
    • John Deacon lost both a brother and sister.
    • George Randall, father of Ross and Michelle, passed away.
    • Dorothy Lombaard, a well-known resident of Cannon Rocks passed away.


  1. The next meeting will be held on 7 September 2021 at 10h00, at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 11h15.

CHAIRMAN                                                               SECRETARY