Cannon Rocks Community Hall
On 5 April 2022 at 10h00
- The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.
- Present.
Mr. Bert Venter Chairperson
Mr. Paul Strutt
Ms. Tracey Bull
Ms. Michelle Hayes
Ms. Barbara Beckmann
Mr. Barry Fourie
Mr. Philip du Plessis
Ms. Adéle du Plessis Acting Secretary
- Apologies. None
- Absent without Apology. None
- Refer to Additional Items below.
- Confirmation of the approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 1 March 2022, proposed by Ms Tracey Bull and seconded by Mr. Paul Strutt. Minutes to be made available on the Website
- Parking Areas: Environmental Monitor Control Committee. During a site visit by members of the Environmental Monitor Committee (EMC) to Cannon Rocks in February 2022 the underground piped storm water infrastructure running along Alice Road and the two piped outlets towards the sea, was discussed. Following the site meeting, a letter was forwarded to the Director Community Protection Services requesting that the restoration of the existing storm water pipe infrastructure along Alice Road as well as the two outlets to the sea be included in the list of projects in terms of the Sand and Infrastructure Maintenance Management Plan (MMP) for Coastal Areas within Ndlambe Municipality authorization.
- Decision. Noted for information.
- Items Arising from the AGM (30 December 2021).
- Behavior in Cannon Rocks. Stand over.
- Traffic Signage. Stand over.
- Damaged Storm Water Pipes. Refer to paragraph 7 above.
- Information Brochure re Development of Properties. Stand over.
- Alexandria Water Augmentation Project.
- The structure for the reverse osmoses (RO) plant has been completed. The RO plant was delivered, assembled and installed and all piping works have been completed.
- Except for two boreholes that are awaiting Eskom connection, all electrical work is completed. Eskom connection to the last two boreholes is expected to be completed by middle of April 2022.
- Four 10,000.00 liter raw water balancing tanks will be installed once delivered.
- A special activation valve which has been imported will be installed once received.
- Outstanding funds to all service providers have been paid. A final payment, funds have been ringfenced and will be paid on successful completion of the project.
- It is estimated that the project will be completed by the end of April 2022.
- Feedback from the NRF. The NRF will discuss various negative comments made by the Audit General in his report dated 11 February 2022 at their next committee meeting.
- Maintenance and Infrastructure.
- A meeting was held with the Deputy Director Infrastructure Infrastructural Development on 8 March 2022. Minutes were distributed to members. The following items were discussed.
- Water Leaks.
- Maintenance: Alice and Beach Roads and Doreen Street.
- Maintenance: New Extension.
- Water Infrastructure and Supply.
- Water Usage: Increased Building Activities.
- Water Reserves.
- Water Usage (Scada Records).
- Shut-Off Valves.
- It was agreed that the Deputy Director to schedule a meeting soon to discuss an investigation regarding the effect of the sharp increase in building activities in both Boknes and Cannon Rocks on the existing available municipal water supply and propose recommendations.
- It was proposed to investigate a possible “sidewalk” along Alice Road in Cannon Rocks for cyclists and runners for the future.
- The staircases to the beach between Alice Rd 85 (erf 471) and Alice Rd 87 (erf 470) as well as Alice Rd 181 (erf 202) and Alice Rd 183 (erf 536) respectively need to be repaired.
- The timber rails on both sides of Beach Road needs to be repaired and the verges to be cleared from sand.
- It was once again re-confirmed that only water trucks that are approved by the municipality are allowed to obtain water from the municipal water supply system at metered fire hydrants.
- Decision.
- The chairman to submit at request for the inclusion of a “sidewalk” along Alice Road for use by pedestrians and cycles exclusively in the municipal financial budget.
- Portfolio holder Environment to arrange a meeting with Mr. Lungi Klaas to discuss the repair of the two staircases between Alice Rd and the beach.
- A project to repair of the timber rails along Beach Road and the cleaning of the sidewalks was approved. An amount of R3,000.00 is allocated to the project.
- Community Hall.
- Building Plans. Strutt reported that the drafting of building plan is in progress. The building plan to reflect the roof of the braai area to be an extension of the roof of the hall.
- Play Park. The ropes, shackles and the seat of the swing at the playground next to the Community Hall were replaced. Appreciation to Piet van der Westhuizen for his voluntary assistance to maintain the playpark equipment.
- Fire Fighting and Precaution. An enquiry was made regarding the firebreak between Addo National Park and Cannon Rocks.
- Decision. The portfolio holder and the chairman to follow-up on the enquiry received.
Note: Following an inspection after meeting, it was decided to arrange a meeting with the Ndlambe Municipal Fire Chief, the Section Ranger Woody and Mr. Louis Claas, both from SANParks, to discuss the responsibility and width of the firebreak between Cannon Rocks and the Addo National Park.
- Communication and Community Support. The portfolio holder reported on both Zoom meetings and possibly creating of a CRRA Buzz group.
- Decision.
- A “practice Zoom meeting” to be arranged to evaluate the possible implications.
- The creation of a CRRA News group was approved in principle. The portfolio holder to formalise a modus operandi for the administration of the group for approval at the next meeting.
- Decision.
- Security and Safety. Nothing to report.
- Ward 1 Liaison. A Ward 1 public meeting was held on 22 February 2022 at Alexandria. The purpose of the meeting was to finalize the members of the Ward Committee. Both Cannon Rocks and Boknes Ratepayers Association’s written nominations were approved. The meeting continues to elect another six members.
- Local Government and Development. Comment on the draft Ndlambe Municipal Spatial Development Framework (SDF) was forwarded to the appointed consultants, Tshani Consultants C.C., dated 1 April 2022. A public meeting is also scheduled for 14 April 2022 in Port Alfred Municipal Hall.
- Environment. See paragraph 12.1 and the note to paragraph 12.1 above.
- Advertising. The portfolio holder to will follow-up on all outstanding advertising fees for 2022. Advertising boards of advertisers that do not meet the due date for payment, will be removed.
- Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of March 2022 was noted with approval.
- Expenditure. The following expenditure was approved.
- 00 for traveling expenditure.
- R3,000.00 for the Beach Road project.
- Correspondence Received.
- Tshani Consultancies regarding Ndlambe Municipal Spatial Development Framework (SDF) renewal.
- E mail from Chris Bakkes.
- Hort Coulture Architects and Planning – Notice of Withdrawal, Section 24G Application, Erf 551, Cannon Rocks.
- Correspondence Sent.
- Request for Apology.
- Storm Water Infrastructure: Cannon Rocks.
- Comment on Ndlambe Municipal Spatial Development Framework (SDF) 2022.
- E Mail form Mr. C. Bakkes. E-mails dated 16 March and 18 March 2022 respectively from Mr. Bakkes was tabled for discussion.
- Decision. The chairman to advise Mr. Bakkes regarding the outcome of the discussions in writing.
- Illegal Informal Housing.
- During a follow-up meeting with Director Corporate Services, Director Infra Structural Development, Deputy Director Community Protection Services, Ndlambe Municipal Manager Housing Section, Chairperson Boknes Ratepayers Association and Chairperson Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association it was decided that legal action to be instituted by the municipality against any person refusing to move or obstructing the move and same will be fast-tracked. It was also agreed that implementation of controlled access to the site will be finalized.
- At the Ndlambe Municipal Council meeting of 29 March 2022 it was approved that notices to be served on all the illegal squatters to move to the available and suitable pegged sites in Marselle which are fully serviced.
- The following items to be addressed in the April Newsletter.
- Water Augmentation
- Illegal Informal Housing.
- Comment on the Ndlambe Municipal Spatial Development Framework 2022/
- The next monthly meeting will be held on 3 May 2022 at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 12h00.