Cannon Rocks Community Hall

On 1 August 2023 at 10h00


  1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcome everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                         Chairperson

Mr. Paul Strutt

Mr. Barry Fourie

Ms. Michelle Hayes

Ms. Alta Kotze

  1. Apologies.

Mr. Philip du Plessis

Ms. Adéle du Plessis

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

  1. Absent without Apology.

Ms. Tracy Bull


  1. Maintenance: Provincial Road.
  2. Date of committee meeting in September.
  3. Special meeting with residents.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 6 July 2023 proposed by Ms. Alta Kotze and seconded by Ms. Michelle Hayes. Minutes to be made available on the Website.


  1. Ndlambe Coastal Maintenance Management Plan. Nothing to report.
  2. Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum. Nothing to report.


  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • Play Park. Nothing to report.
    • Renewal of Lease for the Community Hall. An application for the renewal of the lease agreement for the Cannon Rocks Community Hall was forwarded to the Ndlambe Municipality on 20 July 2023.  CRRA has to register as a Non-Profit Organization in terms of Section 13 of the Nonprofit Organizations Act, 1997.
    • Decision. The chairperson to obtain application forms from the Dept. of Social Welfare and complete the application form.
    • Repair of Generator. Stand over due to absence of Mr. du Plessis.
    • Draft Management Plan. Stand over due to absence of Mr. du Plessis.
  2. Fire Fighting and Precaution.
    • The portfolio holder reported that Mr. Tinus Smit has been appointed as the firefighting and precaution portfolio holder of Boknes Ratepayers Association (BNR). The portfolio holders of CRRA and BNR will schedule a meeting to discuss the following.
      • Level of operational readiness of the emergency firefighting water trailer.
      • Level of operational readiness of firefighting crew members.
    • Questions were raised regarding the availability of a panic button other than the panic button available on the remote control of clients of Hi-Tec Security.
    • Decision.
      • The portfolio holder Fire Fighting and Precaution to report back at the next meeting regarding the operational readiness of firefighting capability of CRRA and BNR.
      • The portfolio holder Fire Fighting and Precaution to investigate and report back at the next meeting regarding the availability of a panic button other than the panic button available on the remote control of clients of Hi-Tec Security.
  1. Communication and Community Support. Nothing to Report
  2. Security and Safety.
    • Traffic Signage. Stand over due to absence of Mr. du Plessis.
  3. Ward 1 Liaison. A Ward 1 meeting was held on 11 July 2023.  Except for the following, nothing related to Cannon Rocks was discussed.
    • The agenda for the meeting was not available prior to the meeting.
    • Discussions regarding the water pipe line from Cannon Rocks to the Fishkraals and the water pipe line from Fishkraals to Alexandria, as quick wins under contract 3 and 4 respectively of the Augmentation of Alexandria Bulk Water Supply Project that was never completed.
  4. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
  5. Environment.
    • Awareness Notice Board. The portfolio holder reported that the frames for the awareness boards will be delivered soon.
  6. Advertising. The annual rent by four advertisers is still outstanding.


  1. Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of July 2023 was noted with approval.
  2. Expenditure. The following expenditure was approved.
    • R2,200.00 for repair of the generator.
    • R1,470.00 for the purchase of two frames for the Awareness Notice Boards.
    • R1,081.00 for the purchase of a change-over electrical switch.


  1. Correspondence Received.
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Letter – Eastern Cape Dept. of Transport.
    • Application for Renewal of the Lease of the Community Hall.


  1. Maintenance of Provincial Road. A letter dated 25 July 2023 was forwarded to the District Road Engineer reporting the disintegration of the provincial road (MR0463) between the R72 and the Cannon Rocks/Boknes four-way crossing that was repaired recently.
  2. Date of Committee Meeting in September.
    • The next meeting will be scheduled for 5 September 2023. Barry Fourie to chair the meeting.
    • Mr. Fourie to finalize both the minutes as well as the September newsletter.
  3. Special Meeting with Residents. A special meeting with residents is scheduled for 17 August 2023 at 16h30 at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.


  1. The following items to be addressed in the August Newsletter.
    • Street Numbering.
    • Meeting with Residents.
    • A letter of Appreciation – Search and Rescue Operation.


  1. The next monthly will be held on 5 September 2023.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 11h50

CHAIRMAN                                                               SECRETARY