Cannon Rocks Community Hall

On 2 August 2022 at 10h00


  1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr Bert Venter                           Chairperson

Mr Paul Strutt

Ms Michelle Hayes

Ms Barbara Beckmann

Mr Philip du Plessis

Ms Alta Kotze

Ms Adéle du Plessis                    Acting Secretary

  1. Apologies.

Ms Tracey Bull

Mr Barry Fourie

  1. Absent without Apology. None


  1. Refer to Additional Items below.


  1. Confirmation of the approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 19 July2022, proposed by Ms Alta Kotze and seconded by Ms Michelle Hayes. Minutes to be made available on the Website.


  1. Illegal Squatting. Nothing to report.
  2. Parking Areas: Environmental Monitor Control Committee. Nothing to report.
  3. Alexandria Water Augmentation Project. Except for one borehole, Eskom electricity is connected to all boreholes.  Installation of the new reverse osmoses (RO) plant is completed and final functional tests is subjected to the installation of the telemetry monitor and control system.
  4. Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum. Nothing to report.


  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure. The portfolio reported as follows.
    • Street Lights. Municipal official acknowledged receipt of list for maintenance and will be addressed once funds for the 2022/2023 FY is available.
    • Corrective Maintenance.
      • The municipal supervisor to open a new gully to divert storm water away from Patricia Street at erven 127 and 114, open and clear the existing open.
      • The storm water stone trench on southern side of Patricia Street, running towards Futter Street, has been cleared from weeds and debris.
      • The existing open storm water stone trench on the western side of Futter Street has been cleaned. The east side gully of Futter Street that ensures storm water is diverted away from the street, has been deepened slightly.
      • The storm water stone trench has been opened and cleared on the northern side of Alice Road along erven 51 and 52.
      • The storm water pipe crossing Alice Road has been cleared.
        • To be completed. The following tasks will be addressed soon.
          • The underground storm water pipe along erven 51 and 52 in Alice Road to be properly cleared by using a push/pull rod.
          • The open storm water stone trench on the southern side of Alice Road along erven 52 to 57 as well as at the T junction at Alice Road and Doreen Street from weed and debris.
          • T junction Doreen and Alice, storm water wall to be rebuild.
        • Preventative Maintenance. Funds from the municipal budget for the 2022/2023 FY is available and all materials i.e. G5 and cement to rebuild humps and stabilizing identified street areas to be ordered by middle August.
        • Shut-Off Valves.
          • The Department of Water and Sanitation have funded 13 shut-off valves to be replaced in municipal water supply line in Cannon Rocks.
          • The chairman and the portfolio holder attended a meeting with Deputy Director Infrastructural Development and the appointed consultants on 25 July 2022 regarding clarity and understanding of the installation.
          • The possibility to install new technology composite valves were raised. The consultant mentioned that municipal guidelines has to be adhered to regarding the type of shut-off valves as prescibed.
          • The installation of pressure relief valves in the system were also raised. It was acknowledged that the fitment of pressure relief valves in the system will be investigated.
          • The consultant did not consider the option to bring the underground shut-off valves to the surface due to the risk of damage to and unlawful tampering with the shut-off valves.
        • Play Park. The portfolio reported that urgent attention is required at the play park next to the Community Hall.  Repairs and upgrading of the play park should be finalised by end of August.
  1. Fire Fighting and Precaution. Nothing to report
  2. Communication and Community Support. The portfolio holder reported that the Cannon Rocks Info Group is finalised, installed and running.
  3. Security and Safety.  Boknes Buurtwag arranged for a meeting with the “Buurtwag” representative of Afriform on 3 August 2022 at the Community Hall at Boknes.  Feedback will be provided at next committee meeting.
  4. Ward 1 Liaison. The next Ward 1 meeting is scheduled for 12 October 2022.  The following items to be forwarded to the ward meeting.
    • Water collection from fire hydrants at Cannon Rocks, the wasting of water and damage to the road infrastructure. It is requested that the metered fire hydrants from where the water is collected, be moved to an undeveloped area.
    • Request progress regarding the implementation/execution of the Ndlambe Municipal motion where the Ndlambe Municipal Council meeting of 29 March 2022 approved that notices to be served on all the illegal squatters to move to the available and suitably pegged sites in Marselle which are fully serviced, which set the way for an eviction process.
  5. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
  6. Environment.
    • Notice Board (Transfer Site). The replacement of the existing notice board at the domestic refuse transfer site at Cannon Rocks, was tabled.
    • Decision. The portfolio holder to confirm with the Municipal Environmental Health Practitioner Waste, in conjunction with the Deputy Chief Traffic Officer and the Environmental Officer the necessity to replace the existing notice board at the domestic refuse transfer site at Cannon Rocks with a larger notice board that is more visible and printed on both sides.  CRRA are offering any assistance as required.
    • Beach Walkways. The possible repair/replacement of the boardwalks between erven 471 and 470 as well as between erven 202 and 536 was tabled for discussion.
    • Decision. The portfolio holder to schedule a meeting with the municipal Beach Manager to discuss the repair/replacement of the boardwalks between erven 471 and 470 as well as between erven 202 and 536.
  7. Advertising. All advertising boards are filled.  To avoid confusion, all committee members to forward any new or enquiries regarding advertising to the portfolio holder.


  1. Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of July 2022 was noted with approaval.
  2. Expenditure. No expenditure was approved.


  1. Correspondence Received.
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • E Mail – Feedback to Prof E. Grossman.
    • E Mail – Feedback to Ms. V.
    • E Mail to East Cape District Road Engineer.
    • E Mail – Feedback to Mr Collin Morris.
    • E Mail – Appreciation to Buco.
    • E Mail – Appreciation to J. Deacon.


  1. Traffic Signage. Complaints were received regarding the dangerous driving of vehicles approaching the T junction at Patricia, Futter- and Gavin streets.  The placing of a yield sign at the T junction is proposed.
  2. Decision. The chairman to forward a letter to the Municipal Traffic Chief, requesting authority to erect a yield sign at the T junction at Patricia, Futter- and Gavin streets.
  3. Awareness Notice Board. A suggestion was tabled to erect a notice board at the entrance of Cannon Rocks to make motorists and motorbike-riders aware of the speed limit, pedestrians, especially children and elderly, walking in the streets.
  4. Decision. The portfolio holder to request authority to compile and erect an awareness notice board at the entrance of Cannon Rocks, for the cost of CRRA, reminding residents of the speed limit and that Cannon Rock is a small seaside holiday village where children and elderly folk, amongst other, are roaming the streets at their leisure.  Various wild life and birds are also roaming the streets.


  1. The following items to be addressed in the August Newsletter.
    • Instruction to municipal workers
    • Speed limit of 40km/h


  1. The next monthly meeting will be held on 6 September 2022 at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 11h45.

CHAIRMAN                                                               SECRETARY