Cannon Rocks Community Hall
On 4 May 2021 at 10:00
- The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.
- Present.
Mr. Bert Venter Chairperson
Ms. Adéle du Plessis
Mr. Paul Strutt
Mr. Philip du Plessis
Mr. Barry Fourie
Ms. Michelle Hayes
Ms. Barbara Beckmann
Ms. Tracey Bull
Ms. Geraldine du Randt Secretary
- Apologies. Mr. Jim Pomroy
- Absent without Apology. None
- Refer to Additional Items below.
- The minutes of the committee meeting of 2 March 2021 were approved. Proposed by Ms. Adéle du Plessis and seconded by Mr. Philip du Plessis.
- Matter not addressed under portfolios.
- Ndlambe Coastal MMP. CRRA chairman has been elected as a committee member of the Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC), as the representative of the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF).
- Illegal Informal Housing. Five letters were forwarded to the Ndlambe Municipal Manager and the local Democratic Alliance (DA) regarding the illegal housing next to the municipal houses at Boknesstrand since January 2021. However, no feedback was received yet. Will be discussed at the next Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF) meeting.
- Telkom Communication. Nothing to report.
- Steering Committee.
- Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF). Nothing to Report.
- Areas of Importance.
- Community Hall. Chairman to meet with Ndlambe Estate Manager (Shirley Boshoff) on the 5 May 2021 to discuss the issue of the braai area not currently being reflected on the Community Hall plans.
- Tennis Courts. One 5000l water tank was donated as a gift to the Tennis Club. An idea was put forward to run a raffle competition to win the water tank. Funds raised will go towards the Tennis Club.
- Play Park. Further discussions to be made with community moms and the caretaker of the Play Park as to new play options in the Play Park. The idea is to create more rope climbing options. The owner of Alexandria Tyres, Mr. Des Long, offered to sponsor old tyres to the Play Park. Concern was raised over a few safety issues on equipment in the Play Park due to vandalism. This will be put through to the caretaker of the Play Park to maintain.
- Parking Area. Awaiting feedback from the Ndlambe Municipality. CRRA allocated priorities to the parking areas namely: Priority 1 Hallelujah and Priority 2 Swimming Beach..
- Maintenance and Infrastructure.
- Maintenance of Roads. A letter addressed to the Director Infrastructural Development regarding water in various gravel street during heavy rains, Mr. Strutt to survey areas affected.
- Maintenance of Isolation Valves. Ndlambe Municipality to be approached for a map indicating the position of the new water valves that have been installed as well as the Maintenance Plan thereof.
- Fire Fighting and Precaution.
- Fire Extinguisher. The fire extinguisher at the Community Hall has been handed in for a service. Portfolio holder to follow up.
- Boknes Portfolio Holder. The portfolio holder reported that Mr. Kobus van Deventer is the new portfolio holder for firefighting on Boknes Ratepayers committee.
- Fire Hydrant. The portfolio holder reported that the damaged fire hydrant (next to erf 168 114 Alice Rd) has been replaced and is in working order.
- Communication and Community Support.
- Information Leaflet. The portfolio holder presented a concept Information Leaflet for discussion.
- Decision.
- After discussions and amendments, the concept Information Leaflet was approved.
- The Portfolio holder and Ms. Tracy Bull to finalise the leaflet and 100 copies to be printed.
- The portfolio holder is authorised to use local Buzz Whatsapp Groups to inform community about information posted on the web.
- Security and Safety. Nothing to report.
- Ward 1 Liaison. A Ward 1 meeting was held on 4 May 2021. Nothing to report.
- Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
- Environmental. A letter of thanks was received from Mr. Kenburn in response to CRRA Recycling Letter dated 29 April 2021. Various options were discussed regarding recycling with the aim to create more visible felt leadership of the CRRA in this regard.
- Decision. The portfolio holder to develop plan and possible cost implications on how to encourage recycling in Cannon Rocks. Feedback is required at the next meeting.
- Advertising. The annual advertising fees for three advertising spaces still outstanding. Feedback received from the portfolio holder that two new advertising spots have been filled.
- Decision.
- Accounts not paid up by the end of May 2021, the advertising spots will be reallocated.
- Portfolio Holder to write a letter with regards to outstanding advertising fees.
- Statement of Account. The bank balances as at the end of April 2021 were noted.
- Expenditure. No expenditure for approval.
- Membership Fees. Currently there are a total of 114 members paid up members. Outstanding membership fees were allocated to individual CRRA committee members to follow up. After this, no more reminders will be made.
- Correspondence Received. Email regarding Recycling
- Correspondence Sent.
- Letter-Appreciation for the supply of Fire Fighting Equipment.
- Letter- Sympathy Esterhuizen Family.
- Letter- Sympathy Basson Family
- Dirt Bins at the Community Hall. A resident offered to move two of the four dustbins from the Community Hall area.
- Decision. Two of the four dustbins may be moved to better locations within the community, one will be relocated to the Cannons area and one will be moved to the Nautilus beach entrance. The two dustbins that will remain are the one at the Hall entrance and one at the Play Park.
- Reminder to residents to be vigilant with regards to their safety and to not encourage strangers into their yards.
- A note that all unpaid advertisement accounts will result in advertisements slot being reallocated if not paid by the end of May 2021.
- A reminder for residents to replace their old street numbers with the new numbers as reflected on their municipal accounts.
- Inform residents that a thank you letter will be sent to the Ndlambe Municipality with regards to the speedy assistance in replacing the broken fire hydrants as well as attending to various water leaks.
- The next meeting will be held on 1 June 2021 at 10h00, at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 11h45.