Cannon Rocks Community Hall

On 1 November 2022 at 10h00


  1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Mr Barry Fourie

Ms Barbara Beckmann

Mr Philip du Plessis

Ms Tracey Bull

Ms Alta Kotze

Mr Paul Strutt

Ms Adéle du Plessis                  Acting Secretary

  1. Apologies.

Ms Michelle Hayes

  1. Absent without Apology. None


  1. Refer to Additional Items below.


  1. Confirmation of the approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 4 October 2022, proposed by Ms. Alta Kotze and seconded by Ms Tracey Bull. Minutes to be made available on the Website.


  1. Illegal Squatting. A meeting was held on 3 October 2022 in the office of the Director Infrastructural Development to discuss progress on the illegal squatting at the Boknes Garden Refuse Transit Site and progress made.  Mr Sylvester Jewell from the legal firm SCJ@Co provided feedback to the meeting about the Eviction Process of the unlawful and illegal Occupiers of the Boknes Dumpsite.  The application in the High Court of Makhanda against the unlawful and illegal occupiers of the Boknes dumpsite to evict that was scheduled for 25 October 2022, was postponed until 1 November 2022.
  2. Parking Areas: Environmental Monitor Control Committee. Nothing to report.
  3. Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum. Nothing to report.


  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • Play Park. Feedback from committee members revealed that the play park at the Community Hall is frequently used by parents with small kids and therefore confirms the requirement for the play park.  The portfolio holder will set a date for repairwork at the  play park.  Committee members are requested to assist with repairs.  Cheryl Webster offerred her assitance during repairs as well as the maintenace thereof.
    • Community Hall Building Plans. It was once agained re-corfirmed that the upgraded building plans of the Community Hall must reflect all structures as is.  The portfolio holder is requested to expedite the process for submission during November 2022.
    • Traffic Signage. Deputy Traffic Chief will give feedback once the requested traffic signage is available.
    • Street Lights. Awaiting supplies.
    • Infrastructure Maintenance Plan.
      • Repair work to raise the surface level in Patricia, Heather, Sandra, Stroebel Streets will commence once the municipal grader is available.
      • Repair work at Galjoen and Beach Roads is awaiting the delivery of material.
      • Except for some valves in Boknes, all the valves that were identified for replacement are completed. The contractor will close all open trenches soon.
      • Re-allocation of a bulk water supply point is subjected to negotiations with private property owners.
  1. Fire Fighting and Precaution. The portfolio holder gave feedback on guidelines that were received from the Ndlambe Fire Chief.
  2. Communication and Community Support. Nothing to report.
  3. Security and Safety.
    • Camera. The possible replacement of the faulty Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) camera at the entrance of Cannon Rocks to be tabled for discussion at the next AGM.
  4. Ward 1 Liaison. The last Ward 1 meeting was held on 12 October 2022.  Cannon Rocks and Boknes representatives intend to have a meeting with ward councillor regarding dysfunctional ward meetings in general.
  5. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.
  6. Environment.
    • Beach Stairways. Repair work of both the stairways between erven 471 and 470 as well as between erven 202 and 536 has been completed.  A word of appreciation to the committee members who were involved in the repairs.  A special word of thanks for the donations received for the repairs.
    • Awareness Notice Board. After discussions, consensus was reached that the portfolio holder and the chairman are to proceed in compiling concept options to be displayed on the board and obtain approval from the Municipality.  Once approval is granted and the layout on the board is accepted, quotations for the manufacturing and the placement of the board will be finalized.
    • Garden Refuse Site.
      • A meeting was held on 25 October 2022 at Boknes Community Hall with the Director Community Protection Services to discuss concerns raised regarding the Garden Refuse Transfer Site at Boknes. The closure of the refuse sites within the Ndlambe Municipal area is put on hold by the Municipality.  Application for renewal of the current licenses for transfer sites, will require a Basic Assessment (BA).  The Ndlambe Municipality is seeking advice from the Department of Economic Development, Environment Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) to streamline the BA process and be able to obtain renewal of the current licenses.
      • The Municipality will implement controlled access between 07h00 and 16h30 from Monday to Saturday, excluding Sundays and Public Holidays, with effect from 1 November 2022 at the Garden Refuse Transfer Site at Boknes. Except for pedestrian entrance by the municipal workers and the squatters, the entrance gate to the Municipal houses/refuse site at Boknes will remain closed outside the above mentioned hours.  Except for dumping of garden refuse, entrance to and dumping of any other material/items, including building rubble at the refuse transfer site at Boknes, will not be permitted.
  1. Advertising. Nothing to report.


  1. Statement of Account.
    • The bank balance as at the end of October 2022 was noted with approval.
    • The outstanding 50% for the advertising board, payable to Boknes Ratepayers Association, was paid over.
  2. Expenditure. The following expenditure was approved.
    • R9,000.00 for labour of repair work of the stairways.
    • 00 for renting a bushcutter to clear the vegitation at the cannons.


  1. Correspondence Received.
    • None
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Letter – Maintenance of Main Road.
    • Letter – Replacement of Waste Notice Board.
    • Letter – New Traffic Sign.
    • Letter – Vodacom Transmission.


  1. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for 29 December 2022.
  2. Water Management Forum. The chairman attended a Ndlambe Water Catchment Management Forum meeting on 27 October 2022 at the Memorial Hall in Port Alfred.  This is the second meeting of this forum and is currently focussed on finalising a Term of Reference for the forum.  These forums are statutory bodies established in terms of Chapter 7, Section 78(1) of the National Water Act No 36 of 1998 and listed as schedule 3(a) public entity under the PFMA.  The role of a Water Catchment Management Forum in a defined area is to manage water resources in a defined Water Management Area, develop a catchment management strategy, involve local communities in water resource management and protect, use, develop, conserve, manage and control water resources in a sustainable and equitable manner.


  1. The following items to be addressed in the November Newsletter.
    • Illegal Squatting.
    • Garden Refuse Transfer Site.
    • Annual General Meeting.


  1. The next monthly, pre-AGM meeting will be held on 6 December 2022.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 11h30.