Cannon Rocks Community Hall

On 6 September 2022 at 10h00


  1. The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everybody present.


  1. Present.

Mr. Bert Venter                          Chairperson

Mr. Paul Strutt

Ms. Michelle Hayes

Ms. Barbara Beckmann

Mr. Philip du Plessis

Ms. Tracey Bull

Mr. Barry Fourie

Mr. Trompetter                           Municipal

Ms. Adéle du Plessis                  Acting Secretary

  1. Apologies.

Ms. Alta Kotze

  1. Absent without Apology. None


  1. Refer to Additional Items below.


  1. Confirmation of the approval of the minutes of the committee meeting of 2 August2022, proposed by Mr.. Paul Strutt and seconded by Mr. Phillip du Plessis. Minutes to be made available on the Website.


  1. Illegal Squatting. During a meeting between the Ndlambe Municipal Manger (MM), Adv. Rolly Dumezweni, and the chairman of the Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association, Mr Bert Venter, on 18 August 2022.  the MM pointed out that although an attorney was appointed in terms of decision taken by the Municipal Council meeting of 29 March 2022, implementation of the eviction process was delayed to allow more time for interaction between councillors and their respective constituencies.  The MM also confirmed that a decision was taken that enough time was allowed for councillors to act and therefore signed and issued an instruction to the appointed attorney to lodge an application in terms of the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 19 of 1998 on 16 February 2022
  2. Parking Areas: Environmental Monitor Control Committee. Nothing to report.
  3. Alexandria Water Augmentation Project. The new reverse osmosis plant (RO) at Cannon Rocks was commissioned on 2 September 2022 and is currently supplying water to the reservoir.  The old RO plant will still be used as a standby plant.
  4. Feedback from the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum. Nothing to report.




  1. Maintenance and Infrastructure.
    • Play Park. Stand over.
    • Community Hall Building Plans. The building plan of the Community Hall to include the braai area.
    • Traffic Signage The request for a Yield sign at the T junction between Futter and Gavin streets was approved by the Deputy Traffic Chief.  The yield signage that was provided by the traffic department, was installed.
    • Street Lights. The defected street lights in Cannon Rocks, as reported, will be repaired/replaced once the procurement tender for the electrical equipment is approved.
    • Infrastructure Maintenance Plan. The existing open storm water stone trench along Patricia street, Futter street and Alice road respectively, were opened and cleared from weed and debris.  The open water stone trench along the northern side of Alice Rd as well as at the T junction at Alice road and Doreen street were also opened and cleared.  The hump at the corner of Patricia- and Futter St to divert storm water away from Futter St was rebuilt.  Refer to appendix A (at the end of the minutes) for the Infrastructure Maintenance Plan compiled in conjunction with the Depute Director Infrastructure.
  2. Fire Fighting and Precaution.
    • Although the fire extinguisher in the kitchen was served by Fire and General on 24 August 2022, it was pointed out that it is a very old obsolete type of fire extinguisher. A new 4.5kg fire extinguisher was bought and installed at the entrance of the Community Hall.
    • Decision.
      • CRRA will be liable servicing of the fire extinguishers in the Community Hall.
      • The acquisition of two fire extinguishers was approved.
    • Fire Preventative Legislation. A letter was forwarded to the Nelson Mandela Metro Fire Chief requesting for guidance regarding legislation referring overgrown property in build-up areas.
  3. Communication and Community Support. A letter dated 29 August 2022 regarding the poor Vodacom Transmission in Cannon Rocks was forwarded to Vodacom Technical section.  Acknowledgement of receipt of letter was received on 5 September 2022 advising that the relevant Department will reply shortly.  Subsequent to the meeting, the Senior Consultant, Mr. Robin Morris, Vodacom Network Information Centre informed the chairman that Vodacom is awaiting approval for the installation of a new Vodacom transmission tower in Cannon Rocks by December 2022.
  4. Security and Safety. Discussions between Boknes Buurtwag and Afriforum to obtain a percentage of the monthly membership paid by local Afriforum members which can be used by the Buurtwag for internal operating services, is still on-going.  Request for Cannon Rocks residents to become part of the patrolling Buurtwag.
  5. Ward 1 Liaison. An Adhoc meeting was arranged by the Ward Councillor for 18 August 2022 to discuss, amongst other, the Ward Councillor’s intention to meet with Cannon Rocks and Boknes residents.  The next Ward 1 meeting is scheduled for 12 October 2022.
  6. Local Government and Development. Nothing to report.



  1. Environment.
    • Waste Notice Board (Transfer Site). The site around the existing notice board at the domestic waist transfer site at Cannon Rocks was cleared by the municipality.
    • Awareness Notice Board. An application for a new Awareness Notice Board at Cannon Rocks to be compiled in accordance of Clause 3 of the Ndlambe Municipality Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-Law, for submission.
    • Beach Walkways. The repair/replacement of the boardwalks between erven 471 and 470 as well as between erven 202 and 536 was identified as a CRRA project and Paul Strutt will act as the project co-ordinator.  The project was approved by the Municipal Senior Conservation Officer.  The municipality will supply the material and the repair work will be done by CRRA.  Quotations for labor or any donations to repair these boardwalks is awaiting.
  2. Advertising. All advertising spaces are paid for 2022.


  1. Statement of Account. The bank balance as at the end of July 2022 was noted with approval.
  2. Expenditure. The following expenditure was approved.
    • 00 for the purchase of a new fire extinguisher and servicing of one fire extinguisher.
    • 00 for Community Hall building Plans.
    • 00 for cleaning of the Community Hall.
    • 90 for the lease of the Community Hall.
    • R1,700.00 for CRRA’s share of the Website.
    • 00 for refreshments at the Cannon Rocks/Boknes combined meeting.


  1. Correspondence Received.
    • E Mail from Mrs. V. Veltman.
  2. Correspondence Sent.
    • Letter – Building Plans: Cannon Rocks.
    • Letter – Replacement of Waste Notice Board.
    • Letter – New Traffic Sign.
    • Letter – Vodacom Transmission.


  1. Street Numbers. The problem regarding the incorrect street numbering on Google Maps was once again tabled.  The chairman mentioned that no response to various requests via the procedures prescribed by Google Maps of changes to the existing information, were received.
  2. Correspondence Mrs. V. Veltman. An email was received from Mrs. V. Veltman.  After discussions, it was decided that the chairman to provide feedback to Mrs. Veltman regarding the outcome of the discussions.
  3. Cannon Rocks/Boknes Combined Meeting. A combined Cannon Rocks/Boknes committee meeting is scheduled for 14 September 2022.


  1. The following items to be addressed in the September Newsletter.
    • Vodacom Transmission.
    • Illegal Squatting
    • Alexandria Water Augmentation Project
    • Boardwalks
    • Maintenance Streets.


  1. The next monthly meeting will be held on 4 October 2022 at the Cannon Rocks Community Hall.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 12h45.

CHAIRMAN                                                               SECRETARY