Ndlambe Coastal Maintenance Plan.  The Ndlambe Municipality is committed to maintain public amenities and encourage tourism.  To enable this commitment, regular maintence on existing services infrastructure is a prerequisite.  However, to conduct regular maintenance, these maintenance tasks may trigger activities in terms of existing environmental legislation.  As the regulations to the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) 2014 allow for an application to compile a Maintenance Manage Plan, the Ndlambe Municipality embarked on this opportunity.  A Maintenance Management Plan (MMP), once approved, will not only allow the municipality to implement and manage activities, but also allow Competent Authorities to issue an Environmental Authorisation to regulate these activities.

Aurecon South Africa was therefore contracted to compile a Coastal Maintenance Management Plan (MMP) which includes an Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) for the Ndlambe Municipality.

The MMP was approved by Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) on 11 August 2020.  However, an objection against the approval was lodged.  During the first week in March 2021 the Ndlambe Municipality was authorised to proceed with the implementation of the MMP excluding the area influenced by the objection.  It must be noted that the analyses and therefore the approved MMP is restricted to properties belonging to the Ndlambe Municipality as identified, and therefore excludes areas/property belonging to Government entities or parastatals as well as private properties.

Implementation of the MMP requires amongst others, the appointment of an Environmental Control Officer (ECO) and Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC) as well as to submit a Method Statement for each area for approval by DEDEAT.  The application to DEDEAT should include a Planning Report, Method Statement and Design Report.

The Environmental Authorisation addressed dune/sand management for the following areas.

  • Cannon Rocks/Bokness (both parking areas at Cannon Rocks)
  • Bushmans River Mouth & Kenton on Sea
  • East beach in Port Alfred, and
  • Kleinemonde/Seafield.

A meeting with the Director Community Protection Services and members of the Ndlambe Ratepayers Associating (NRF) was held on 6 April 2021 to discuss the process and the way forward regarding the implementation of the MMP.  Both the Environmental Control Officer (ECO) as well as the Environmental Manage Committee will be appointed by the end of April 2021.  A consultant was also appointed to compile a Method Statement and associated applications for each of the above mentioned areas for final approval by DEDEAT.  A list of possible “Quick-Wins” for immediate implementation, once the Method Statements are approved, will be distributed to the ratepayers associations who are effected for their comment and motivation.

Illegal Informal Housing.  A fifth letter was forwarded to the Ndlambe Municipal Manager regarding the increase squatting activities next to the municipal houses at Boknesstrand.  No reply was received from the Municipal Manager yet.  Boknesstrand Ratepayers Association also forwarded and complained about the illegal squatting recently.

Recycling.  During 2015, Salisat (PTY) Ltd – Bushmans Recycling entered into a Partnership Agreement with the Ndlambe Municipality, using EU funding obtained via the Department of Trade and Industries. The agreement stated that the Ndlambe Municipality would support recycling by providing premises free of charge. During a meeting on 1 April 2021 which was attended by representatives from five surrounding townships, included Cannon Rocks, it was announced that Bushmans Recycling have resulted in the company not viable for various reasons. Secondly, Bushmans Recycling received an eviction letter from the Ndlambe Municipality in which Bushmans Recycling were given three months to vacate the building in Bushmans Industrial area, during the last week in March 2021.  Residents of Cannon Rocks are therefore advised to deposit their recyclable items in a transparent bag, which can be obtained from the Cannon Rocks Caravan Park and leave these bags at the municipal grounds at the entrance of Boknes. Please do not leave recyclable items with your household refuse as it will not be removed by the municipality when collecting domestic refuse.

Dogs. The increased activity of dogs roaming the streets in Cannon Rocks was brought to the attention of the CRRA. The CRRA agreed to assist the Cannon Rocks residents in this regard by approaching it as follows: residents of Cannon Rocks are encouraged to submit their specific complaints to the CRRA in writing. If the CRRA receive more than four complaints about a specific dog, then they will personally approach the owners to address the matter.

Security.  At the AGM on 3 April 2021 it was decided that CRRA will continue to pay the monthly operating fees for the camera at the entrance to Cannon Rocks which is owned by HiTech Security.  Except for this camera, CRRA will not be responsible for security cameras in the village.  Therefore, any other security cameras in the village will be the responsibility of the individuals who erected the camera.  They will also be responsible for the maintenance, operating and monitor fees.  The portfolio holder will advise and assist any individual who intends to erect a security camera in Cannon Rocks.

Roads.  A request will be forwarded to the Ndlambe Municipality to attend to the low -lying areas in various streets in Cannon Rocks where water pools appear during rain.

Membership Fees.  As a result of a letter of reminder, members responded positively and paid their membership fees for 2021 during February.  Almost 82% of CRRA members have paid their membership fees for 2021.  Members as well as new members are encouraged to pay member fees of R100.00 per annum for 2021 by EFT to the following bank account or to any committee member.  Please use your Surname and Erf no. as reference. Cash payments may also be made to any Committee member.

Account Name:        Cannon Rocks Ratepayers

Bank:                          Standard Bank

Account No:              084002417

Branch:                      050817