Illegal Informal Housing.
In the March Newsletter it was reported that a meeting was held with the Director Corporate Services, Ndlambe Municipal Manager Housing Section, Chairperson Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association and Chairperson Boknes Ratepayers Association, to discuss the illegal squatting at the Boknes garden refuse transit site.
During a follow-up meeting with Director Corporate Services, Director Infra Structural Development, Deputy Director Community Protection Services, Ndlambe Municipal Manager Housing Section, Chairperson Boknes Ratepayers Association and Chairperson Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association it was decided that legal action to be instituted by the municipality against any person refusing to move or obstructing the move and same will be fast-tracked. It was also agreed that implementation of controlled access to the site will be finalised.
At the Ndlambe Municipal Council meeting of 29 March 2022 it was approved that notices to be served on all the illegal squatters to move to the available and suitable pegged sites in Marselle which are fully serviced.
Alexandria Water Augmentation Project.
The structure for the reverse osmoses (RO) plant has been completed. The RO plant was delivered, assembled and installed and all piping works have been completed. Except for two boreholes that are awaiting Eskom connection, all electrical work is completed. Eskom connection to the last two boreholes is expected to be completed by middle of April 2022.
Four 10,000.00 litre raw water balancing tanks will be installed once delivered and a special activation valve which has been imported will be installed once received.
Outstanding funds to all service providers have been paid. A final payment, funds have been ringfenced and will be paid on successful completion of the project.
It is estimated that the project will be completed by the end of April 2022.
Spatial Development Framework. Comment on the draft Ndlambe Municipal Spatial Development Framework (SDF) was forwarded to the appointed consultants, Tshani Consultants C.C., dated 1 April 2022. A copy of the feedback will be made available to any CRRA member on request.