Telkom Communications.  Following a letter from CRRA, feedback from the Specialist Customer Value Management at Telkom Headquarters revealed that the Cannon Rocks area was included in the Low Band (LB) Master Plan/Spectrum and is dependent on the successful bid from Telkom at the ICASA spectrum auction later during 2021.  Should the bid be successful, Telkom wireless transmission to the Cannon Rocks will improve to comply to expected standards.

Environmental.  The recycle initiative by CRRA was received very positively by residents.  This initiation also resulted in an improved relation between the local municipal management and the organisers of the recycling company.  The environmental information boards at the cannon needs attention.

Background Information Document: Erf 544.  A Background Information Document (BID) regarding the application for the unlawful commencement of activities as provided for in the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, in terms of section 24G of the National Environmental Management Act (as amended) was received.  CRRA was registered as an Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs).

Water Project.  CRRA chairman will serve on the Project Steering Committee for the duration of the project.  Eskom electricity supply to four metering kiosks is completed.  Authority is waiting from Eskom for electrical connection between the metering kiosk to the various boreholes.  The new RO plant is ready for transportation and installation once the construction of the building is completed.  It is estimated that the both the construction of the building and the installation of the new RO plant to be finalised within the next two to three months.

Tennis Courts.  As reported in the June Newsletter, the tennis courts need urgent maintenance to bring them back into specifications.  The support of the community is urgently requested in order to finalise the project.

Your kind generosity by making a donation into the following bank account will be appreciated.


Bank:              First National Bank (FNB)

Account no:  74710511847

Bank Code:   240154

Please use your name and surname as reference and notification of payment to 082 337 1166 so you can be recognised and thanked.