Cannon Rocks WhatsApp Info Group.  As reported in the May 2022 Newsletter a Cannon Rocks WhatsApp Info group was finally approved and will soon be implemented.  The modus operandi for the administration of the Cannon Rocks Info group is available on the Website under the “News” page.

Activities and Relevant Legislation.  Forthcoming from various enquiries that committee members were confronted with over a period of time regarding, unintentional illegal activities, planning construction(s) on property, behaviour of residents and the lack of knowledge of the existence of relevant legislation, the committee identified the requirement for a guiding document for property owners of property in Cannon Rocks.  Although the document was drafted with great care, it may still include shortfalls.

The aim of the List of Activities and Relevant Legislation is to assist property owners to ascertain themselves with relevant legislation applicable to selective activities.

The List of Activities and Relevant Legislation is available on the Website under the “News” page.

Donation of Benches.  An anonymous donor donated concrete furniture for placement throughout Cannon Rocks.  A concrete bench was placed next to the Cannons for public use and allow users to enjoy a superb view of the beach.  This generous donation is highly appreciated by members of the community.  CRRA committee also wish to express its gratitude for the donation.

Cleaning of the Beach.  Ocean and beach pollution is a national phenomenon and our beach along Cannon Rocks is not exempted.  However, we as permanent residents as well as visitors have the obligation to combat this phenomenon at Cannon Rocks.  A group of residents who are very passionate about keeping our beach clean, are picking up litter along the shoreline of the coast, daily.  Although these efforts seem unnoticed, property owners of property on the beach front, in particular, are aware of these selfless actions.

May this small group inspire other residents to follow in this environmental awareness initiative.  Although it may be regarded as a drop in the ocean, it will definitely make a difference to the beach along Cannon Rocks.

The existence of washed-up litter, we cannot control, but each and every person going to the beach can contribute by not littering the beach by leaving plastic bags/empty bait containers etc. on the beach or at the rocks, but rather by taking a plastic bag with and removing any litter which may come across.

Hybrid Zoom Meetings.

Following two enquiries regarding the possibility for Annual General Meetings (AGM) via Zoom meetings, the committee investigated the feasibility of such an option.  Advice from the official responsible for the arrangement of the Ndlambe Municipal Zoom meetings as well as advice received from other sources, revealed that Hybrid Zoom meetings, where a large number of people are attending the meeting and some join the meeting via electronic media, is only recommended if good quality and reliable signal strength, supporting electronic equipment and trained supporting staff is available.

Due to the non-availability of the abovementioned and the cancellation of most of the Covid-19 Regulations, it was decided that Hybrid Zoom meetings will not be used for CRRA related meetings.

Municipal Budget.  The Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF) met with the Municipal Chief Financial Officer and five officials from various directorates on 26 May 2022.  An employee of the National Treasurer who is permanently assigned to the Ndlambe Municipality to assist and oversee compliance to treasury regulations, also attended the meeting where the following was discussed in connection with the draft 2022/2023 budget.

  • Water losses as reported in the Audit General (AG) report.
  • Free basic services to successful applicants.
  • Standby allowances.
  • Transport remuneration.
  • Excessive budget for catering.
  • Excessive car allowances.
  • Excessive overtime budget.
  • Double motor allowances for the Mayor and the Speaker.
  • Budget for Local Educational Development (LED).
  • Property Rates.
  • Excessive Rates increases as well as the structuring of the water tariff scales.

The NRF accepted explanations regarding some of the items as tabled.  The final budget will be amended to accommodate queries raised by the NRF, as agreed upon.

Alexandria Water Augmentation Project.  As previously reported, the installation of the new reverse osmosis plant has been completed and handing over of the project to the Ndlambe Municipality is subjected to final functional tests.  To address concerns raised by the manufacturer, a valve has to be installed at the “raw water” reservoirs, that feed raw water to the reverse osmosis (RO) plant, to control the operation of the RO plant.  Thus, preventing intermittent on and off switching of the plant as it may cause damage to the system.  Once this valve is installed, functional test will continue.

Two new poles were erected to enable Eskom connection to the last two boreholes that are not connected to the raw water supply line yet.