Recycle.  An information pamphlet was received from Altins Recycling in Port Alfred whereby advertising their recycling services.  As no suitable municipal space is available in Cannon Rocks, residents are requested to make use of this opportunity and deposit recyclable items at the municipal refuse removal facility at Boknesstrand or at the recycle depot in Riversbend (Boesmansriviermond).  The use of transparent refuse bags will enhance easy recognition between normal domestic and recycle refuse.

AGM.  The AGM that was schedule for December 2020 and called off due to the announcement of level 3 lockdown, will be held on 3 April 2021 at 16h00 in the Cannon Rocks.

Membership Fees.  As a result of a letter of reminder, 32 members responded positively and paid their membership fees for 2021 during February.  Almost 75% of CRRA members have paid their membership fees for 2021.  Members as well as new members are encouraged to pay member fees of R100.00 per annum for 2021 by EFT to the following bank account or to any committee member.  Please use your Surname and Erf no. as reference.

Standard Bank

Saving Account

No 084002417

Code 050817

Illegal Informal Housing.  It is alarming to notice that a new shack is currently in the beginning phase of erection, most probably during the last weekend of February next to the Municipal houses at Boknesstrand.  A letter was forwarded to both the Ndlambe Municipal Manager and the local DA representative.

Tennis Courts.  The upgrading of the tennis courts at Cannon Rocks (one of the four areas of importance) is accepted as a project under the auspices of CRRA.  The tennis club will appoint a project management committee.  A project plan will be communicated soon.