NEWS LETTER – OCTOBER 2020 (Second Edition)


Water Tariffs.  During a Special Open Council Meeting on 25 August 2020 the draught water tariff was amended for implementation with effect from 1 September 2020.  However, due to unforeseen circumstances, implementation is postponed until 1 October 2020.

Date of AGM.  The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Cannon Rocks Ratepayers Association will be held on 29 December 2020.

Street Numbering.  Property owners will notice that both the ERF Description (erf number) as well as the new street address is captured on the monthly municipal tax invoice/statement of their account for September.  To eliminate any possible confusion, residents and property owners are requested to replace their existing street address with the new street address number as soon as possible, but not later than January 2021.  Both the SAPS and security services will be informed accordingly.  A copy of the street addresses will be available at the Cannon Rocks Caravan Park.

Refuse Bags.  Household refuse bags are deposited at blue rubbish bins as well on the sidewalks in Cannon Rocks by residents/visitors.  These refuse bags attract dogs, birds and other wild animals, leaving the area messy.  House owners are requested to place household rubbish bags out on Mondays for collection, alternatively to take them to the rubbish skips in Galjoen Street.  Where homes are let out to visitors, owners to ensure that the visitors take their rubbish to the skips, should they leave on any day other than a Monday.